Integrated Hydrocarbon Production Optimisation & Planning
How to increase the production, lower the cost and make optimum use of the available resources in a safe way?
The Upstream Hydrocarbon Production industry is subject to economic laws, just like any other business. Fluctuating product value, ageing easy-accessible reservoirs and costly developments of new, less-accessible reservoirs, show us that optimising the Integrated Hydrocarbon Production System is of prime importance.
There are three elements to this optimisation:
- 1. Safety. Whatever is done to get that extra out, it must be done safely;
- 2. Produce as much as possible whilst aiming at the best Ultimate Recovery of the reservoirs with existing resources and economically attractive developments, by systematic de-bottlenecking of the facities;
- 3. Drive the costs down by using better planning methodology to make optimum use of the available resources.
To achieve a thorough optimisation is may be clear that this is not merely achieved by opening the producing wells a bit more. Instead, we have to involve all disciplines that work on the above Asset to identify their respective optimisation improvements and work this into one Plan that fulfills all three optimisation aspects: Safety, Production, and Cost.
By the end of this course the participants will have gained knowledge of Optimisation Techniques and Integrated Activity Planning.
Apart from the knowledge gained, the participants will have had “hands-on” experience with case study and syndicate team exercises in carrying out Optimisation and Planning scenario’s. They will broaden their competence by looking at these scenarios from various discipline-angles, thus creating a better understanding of those actions from which the Integrated Hydrocarbon Production System benefits mostly.
The course is focused on applicability in the own sphere of work of the participants, so that their operations can directly benefit from the competence, gained in this course.
The integrated nature of this course asks for a wide array of disciplines that will benefit from this course. The benefit is two-fold: firstly, participants gain insight in optimisation challenges in their own discipline, and also they will gain understanding of the optimisation needs of other disciplines and work together towards the best solution.
Hence, this course is meant for e.g.:
- Reservoir Engineers
- Petroleum Technologists
- Drilling Engineers
- Production Engineers & Planners
- Maintenance Engineers
- Logistic planners
- Sales and Scheduling staff
Typically, the participants will have a thorough knowledge of their own discipline contribution to the Asset.
The following modules are identified:
Module 1: Introduction to Optimisation of the Integrated Hydrocarbon Producrtion System
Module 2: Introduction to Integrated Activity Planning
Module 3: Workshop Optimisation of the Integrated Hydrocarbon Producrtion System
Module 4: Workshop Integrated Activity Planning
In view of the scenario exercises there will be essential course pre-reading involved.